Parenting isn't easy
but help and support is available

Clarion County's Promise offers parenting support from birth to 18 through individual parenting programs and referral services.

We also offer car seat help, safe sleep and more!

To receive services or to get more details, please call us today at 814-223-1590.  We will find the program that works best for you and give you the support you deserve!

Many events listed are planned through Clarion County Family Net.

Upcoming Events in 2024

Family Celebration Day- June 18, 2024
Sligo Pool Park
10:00-2:00 pm

Summer Family Fun Fest - August 2024
Clarion Eagles at the "Blue Park"
More info to come!


Professional Development:

Human Services Soup- Tuesday, July 30th
Location: TBD
Time: 9am-12pm