About Us

Clarion County's Promise, Inc. is a community affiliate of the national organization America's Promise: The Alliance for Youth. Our mission statement is, "Working to fulfill the five promises for youth" These promises consist of providing: a healthy start, safe places in non-school hours, caring adults, effective education and opportunities to serve by giving back to the community. In order to meet these objectives we provide free programs and parent education across our county. Please browse through our website for more information on programming available or ways to volunteer. You can also call our office at 814-223-1590


"Working to fulfill the five promises for youth"

Clarion County’s Promise, Inc., originally known as Clarion County Family Net, was established as an affiliate of the national organization America’s Promise: The Alliance for Youth. The focus of the organization has always been to affect the lives of children and families in a positive manner. This is accomplished by providing for their needs using research-based prevention programs, educational methods, and charitable means. It has been determined that prevention practices affect a larger population, create a more stable environment for healthy growth and development, is beneficial for the community at large, and is more cost effective than intervention practices. Prevention is the emphasis for all of Clarion County’s Promise’s efforts.

Clarion County’s Promise, Inc. was accepted by the IRS as a non-profit for education and charitable purposes and is regulated under the laws of the 501©3 determinations.