Services & Programs

In-Home and Family Support Services

We provide family support and in-home services to any family residing within a Clarion County school district.  We have no eligibility requirements for family support services.

Parenting is hard work, whether you are a parent of toddlers, teens, or are a grandparent raising your grandchildren.  We aim to offer support and guidance with proven, effective curriculums to build up caregivers, and give outside referrals as needed.

We can provide individuals with one of our parenting support programs to families.  Because each family has different needs and concerns, individual curriculum is chosen based off of individual family needs and abilities.

These curricula are research based and work at improving family strengths, addressing challenges, and working on skills to overcome those challenges.  Our overall goal with each family is to prevent further problems, encourage positive family relationships, and to keep families together.

Who Provides Services

Clarion County’s Promise has trained parent educators who offer in-home visits to families within Clarion County's school districts.

A parent educator plans, coordinates, and offers support to parents or caregivers using a chosen curriculum that meets the family’s needs and concerns.

Parent education seeks to support respectful, reciprocal interactions between parents or caregivers with their children.  A wide range of parenting techniques are presented, in addition to offering many resources for parents.  Parent educators have access to numerous community supports and services available to Clarion County area families in need.

Additionally, parent educators can offer developmental screenings to children five years old and younger to help ensure that a child is on track developmentally.  If a child is found to have a developmental delay through these screens, the parent educator can work with the parent to meet those needs or refer to an appropriate agency, if needed.

Parent educators serve families with children from pre-natal to teen and will work with families to meet at their convenience.

How Services Are Delivered

Services are delivered on an individual basis with each family.  Parent educators can meet in the home for the family’s convenience during the day or early evening for working parents.  However, when this is not an option, they can choose to meet at another location such as the library, a church or other location agreed upon between the family and the parent educator.

Services Include

  • Healthy parenting, discipline, and supervision of children.
  • Communication and relationship skill development.
  • Home Management (by referral only) - Including, but not limited to, budgeting, home cleanliness, head lice or other pests, and/or nutritional help.
  • Service Collaboration - Parent educators will work with current plans set by other agencies to continue to support families in reaching their goals.
  • Referrals - Parent educators can refer families to other services that go beyond the parent support we offer, such as early intervention, drug and alcohol services, counseling or therapy.
  • Physical Needs - We can provide information about services and programs available to help with food, housing, etc.  We do NOT provide these services, but can help families seek them out.
  • Car Seat Safety - Two certified car seat technicians are available to provide services for families.  Additionally, car seat loans may be available depending on need and supplies.  Families must qualify for WIC to receive a loaner.  However, there is no requirements for other car seat technical assistance.
  • Baby Baskets - This program is available for new babies that are born to families within Clarion County school districts.  Baby baskets include small baby care items, handmade items, and information with relevant services and programs for babies, toddlers and parents.